Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2016. Issue 6-2
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Liliya Gennad'evna Buzuk
Russian State Social University

Submitted: June 1, 2016
Abstract. The article points out the transition to considering the issues of meaning making and meaning comprehension that contributes to the beginning of the formation of linguistic hermeneutics as a new scientific discipline. The paper gives the characteristic of principal meaning interpretations, analyzes its main features as a linguistic phenomenon. The author examines the role of context characteristics, which allow defining “horizons” of understanding and interpreting the meaning of a text content. The notion of “field of meanings” is introduced as a group of possible variants of meanings functioning, structurally consisting of meaning creation and meaning comprehension.
Key words and phrases:
лингвистическая герменевтика
смысл (лектон) как категория и парадигма
уровни языковой и речевой деятельности
основные трактовки смысла
логическая, лингвистическая, герменевтическая составляющие анализа смысла текста
linguistic hermeneutics
meaning (lecton) as a category and paradigm
levels of linguistic and speech activity
principal interpretations of meaning
logical, linguistic, hermeneutic components of the analysis of text meaning
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