Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2016. Issue 7-2
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Saida Nurbievna Sokurova
Adyghe State University

Submitted: July 1, 2016
Abstract. The article discusses the peculiarities of bilingualism formation in ontogenesis in natural bilingual environment. The paper gives the results of the author’s long-term overseeing (2007-2016) of children in the ontogenesis of speech activity. It is stated that during the formation of bilingualism the process of mastering two linguistic semiotic systems occurs sequentially with the simultaneous interaction of two cultural codes.
Key words and phrases:
естественный билингвизм
речевое развитие
риторическая лакуна
культурный код
языковой код
natural bilingualism
speech development
rhetorical lacuna
cultural code
language code
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