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Sergei Vladimirovich Chironov
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
January 1, 2017
Basing on the corpus data of the contemporary Japanese, the formal models of the Japanese performative utterances, various, as shown, for the utterances of different illocutionary nature are identified and described. The paper singles out pragmatic factors of the basic models use within the paradigm of performatives (communicative-semantic groups). For a number of marginal options of performative the author proposes the criteria for their inclusion in this class in the case of the Japanese language. The commentary on the material identifies in addition to the significant similarities with the Russian language some fundamental differences, determined by both structural and verbal convention.
Key words and phrases:
японский язык
речевые акты
языковая вежливость
корпусные данные
speech acts
linguistic politeness
corpus data
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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