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Evgeniya Sergeevna Kukushkina
Lomonosov Moscow State University
March 1, 2017
The article aims to identify the signs of involvement in the Western cultural tradition and to show the specificity of its perception by the material of the earliest Malay play. Relying on the analysis the author concludes on great importance of Shakespeare’s creative work for Malay dramatist and emphasizes the specificity of its interpretation in the local cultural context. Shakespeare translations and productions in the municipal theatre bangsawan contributed greatly to Malaysian dramaturgy formation and introduced Shakespeare specific interpretation.
Key words and phrases:
история малайской литературы
драматургия Малайзии
западное влияние на малайскую литературу
переводы Шекспира на малайский язык
театр бангсаван
history of Malaysian literature
Malaysian dramaturgy
Western influence on Malaysian literature
Shakespeare translations into Malay
bangsawan theatre
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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