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Liliya Failevna Nurieva
Kazan Federal University
Flera Sagitovna Saifulina
Kazan Federal University
March 1, 2017
This article analyzes the prosaic works by the well-known in the early XX century writer K. Bikkulov, whose name was unfairly forgotten during the Soviet period. He left rich literary heritage, which includes about a dozen novels, short stories, more than a dozen “Books for Reading” for the Tatar schools and madrasahs, as well as works devoted to the study of the local history. It should be emphasized that the main achievement of the writer is his works, which are significant contribution to the development of the Tatar realistic prose of the early XX century. This article is one of the first works devoted to the analysis of the stories “Bedelche” and “Khadzhi” by K. Bikkulov from the positions of identifying realistic prose features in them. The relevance of the work is substantiated by the poor state of knowledge of the writer’s literary heritage. The introduction of the writer’s prose into scientific use is the goal of the work.
Key words and phrases:
татарская литература
К. Биккулов
литературный процесс
литературное наследие
реалистическая проза
малая проза
Tatar literature
K. Bikkulov
literary process
literary heritage
realistic prose
small prose
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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