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Elena Alekseevna Pleukhova
Kazan Federal University
Asiya Nailevna Kulikovskaya
Kazan Federal University
May 1, 2017
The article discusses the specific features of the national variant of the Spanish language in the Dominican Republic, manifested in the phonetic, morphological and syntactic levels. The features of formation of the Spanish language in this country, the sources of borrowing vocabulary and grammatical structures, are examined. Special attention is paid to the historical conditions of language registration in the indicated territory, the impact of the biosphere and socio-cultural conditions.
Key words and phrases:
карибский диалект
специфическая лексика
фонетические особенности
морфологические изменения
синтаксические характеристики
Caribbean dialect
loan words
specific vocabulary
phonetic features
morphological changes
syntactic characteristics
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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