Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2017. Issue 10-2
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Anna Rapkatovna Bekeeva
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Submitted: October 1, 2017
Abstract. The article considers theories about origins and development of New Zealand English. The paper analyzes the views of New Zealand and British researchers on the national and cultural specificity of New Zealand English in different periods of its formation. It has been shown that the dialects and accents of the language brought by speakers of English from the most part of England, Scotland, Ireland and Australia led to the development of a new and distinctive form of English in New Zealand.
Key words and phrases:
новозеландский национальный вариант английского языка
Новая Зеландия
британские диалекты
национальная литературная норма
национально-культурная специфика
New Zealand English
New Zealand
British dialects
national literary norm
national and cultural feature
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  1. Бекеева А. Р. Особенности английского языка в Новой Зеландии. М.: РУДН, 2015. 158 с.
  2. Малаховский К. В. История Новой Зеландии. М.: Наука, 1981. 236 с.
  3. Bauer L. English in New Zealand // The Cambridge History of the English Language. № 5: English in Britain and Overseas: Origins and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. P. 382-429.
  4. Carmichael G. A History of Population Movement Between New Zealand and Australia // International Migration. 1993. № 31. P. 513-560.
  5. Deverson T. Editor’s Note // New Zealand English Newsletter. 1986. Vol. 1. №1. P. 2-10.
  6. Gordon E., Hay J., Maclagan M., Cambell L., Sudbury M., Trudgill P. New Zealand English. Its Origin and Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 370 p.
  7. Orsman H. W. A Dictionary of New Zealand English: A Dictionary of New Zealandisms on Historical Principles. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1997. 965 p.
  8. Pickens K. The Origins of the Population of the Nineteenth Century Canterbury // New Zealand Geographer. 1977. № 33. P. 56-70.
  9. Trudgill P., Gordon E., Lewis G., Maclagan M. Determinism in New-Dialect Formation and the Genesis of New Zealand English // Journal of Linguistics. 2000. № 36. P. 299-318.
  10. Trudgill P., Gordon E., Lewis G., Maclagan M. New-Dialect Formation and Southern Hemisphere English: New Zealand Short Front Vowels // Journal of Sociolinguistics. 1998. № 2. P. 35-51.
  11. Turner G. W. The English Language in Australia and New Zealand. London: Longmans, 1966. 236 p.
  12. Wall A. New Zealand English: A Guide to Correct Pronunciation of English with Special Reference to New Zealand Conditions and Problems. Christchurch: Whitcombe and Tombs, 1938. 111 p.
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