Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2017. Issue 11-2
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Irina Vasil'evna Odaryuk
Rostov State Transport University

Valentina Vasil'evna Kolmakova
Don State Technical University

Submitted: November 1, 2017
Abstract. The article deals with socialization as a process of assimilation of certain social roles by a person. It is established that the mastery of a particular role by the person assumes also the mastery of a certain set of social stereotypes and their verbal realization - speech stereotypes. Speech stereotypes, being an obligatory component of socialization of the individual in a particular socium, actualize their ability to regulate the behavior of communicants in typical communication situations.
Key words and phrases:
социальная роль
социальный стереотип
ситуация речевого общения
речевой стереотип
речевое воздействие
social role
social stereotype
situation of speech communication
speech stereotype
speech effect
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