Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2017. Issue 12-4
COLLECTION:    Pedagogical Sciences

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Irina Ivanovna Prosvirkina
Orenburg State University

Tat'yana Aleksandrovna Sadretdinova
Orenburg State University

Mariya Dmitrievna Yakhno
Orenburg State University

Anastasiya Mikhailovna Frolova
Orenburg State Medical University

Submitted: December 1, 2017
Abstract. The article is devoted to the description of one of the possible variants of the integration of the traditional methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language and methods of mixed training for the formation of foreign students’ ability to speak. A sub-pattern of mixed training “Change of working areas” is presented, which allows organizing effective development of speaking skills with the help of those activities that are of interest to the student. The use of resources from the Internet also enables to make the learning process engaging, to organize student’s independent work, to involve him in the language practice, activate his vocabulary and knowledge of grammar, helps to distribute time in class rationally. This technology gives the teacher an opportunity to form the linguistic-didactic environment and immerse students in the space of the language under study.
Key words and phrases:
русский язык как иностранный
смешанное обучение
обучение говорению
коммуникативное пространство
Russian as foreign language
mixed training
teaching to speak
communicative space
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  3. Просвиркина И. И., Фролова А. М., Чалая Е. Ю. Модели смешанного обучения на занятии по русскому языку как иностранному // Филологический аспект. 2017. № 7 (27). С. 49-58.
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