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Yanyan Wu
Saint Petersburg University
February 1, 2018
The article presents the results of studying the Russian grammatical phenomena considered the most difficult by the Chinese students at the initial stage of studying Russian in the Russian linguistic environment. Analyzing the results of the survey conducted among the Chinese students the author concludes that the following grammatical phenomena cause the greatest difficulties: the development of complex sentence, differentiation between the verbs of motion, the meanings of a perfective and imperfective aspect, formation of aspectual pairs of verbs. Among the basic causes of grammatical difficulties the students mention the lack of the analysis of grammatical phenomena in the educational texts, the lack of the explanation or unclear explanations from teachers.
Key words and phrases:
русский язык как иностранный
китайские студенты
грамматические трудности
причины трудностей
Russian as a foreign language
Chinese students
grammatical difficulties
causes of difficulties
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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