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Valentina Nikolaevna Pilatova
Saint Petersburg University
July 1, 2018
The subject of the article is connected with the problem of perception of someone else’s speech. The novelty of the work is that for the first time the features of the formal dialogical communication of disinterested persons are revealed. It is hypothesized that the extraction of meaning from someone’s words is possible only in conditions of intense experience in relation to them. Otherwise, the same words turn into information noise and become formal, meaningless for the listener. With the help of the method of discursive analysis applied to the dialogues under study, the author determines that meaningless words are the consequence of the absence of any motivation in the course of perception of other people’s words. The results of the conducted research consist in determining the mental mechanism of this state of affairs: indifferent communication is conditioned by the spiritual and moral choice of the recipient.
Key words and phrases:
бессмысленные слова
информационный шум
мотивирующая сфера сознания
состояние рассеяния
интенсивность переживания
границы понимания
meaningless words
information noise
motivating sphere of consciousness
state of scattering
intensity of experience
boundaries of understanding
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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