Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2018. Issue 8-2
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Yurii Vasil'evich Karyakin

Marina Sergeevna Polonskaya
Tomsk Polytechnic University

Submitted: August 1, 2018
Abstract. The article considers the notion of encyclopedic knowledge in modern culture. The authors note the fact of the loss of the encyclopedic knowledge phenomenon as a result of the historical process of scientific knowledge discretization. The idea of vectorizing the development of higher education in the form of encyclopaedic education cultivation is expressed. The interpretation of the notion of encyclopaedic knowledge in the authors’ ontogenetic paradigm is proposed, which is formed on the modern concepts of cognition from biology, psychology, and logic. The project of creating an innovative dictionary, a concept collection is declared. Its fragments are shown in the form of definition of notions according to the three-criteria ontogenetic definition scheme.
Key words and phrases:
энциклопедическое знание
эмпирическое знание
теоретическое знание
определение понятия
познавательные циклы
онтогенезное мышление
encyclopedic knowledge
empirical knowledge
theoretical knowledge
definition of notion
cognitive cycles
ontogenetic thinking
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