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Yuliya Sergeevna Ershova
Lomonosov Moscow State University
September 1, 2018
The article analyzes the works of the modern Indonesian writer Dewi Lestari from the point of view of using the elements of virtuality in the novels of the “Supernova” series, which is realized in them in different forms. Computer virtual reality, practically becoming a symbol of modern culture, plays a connecting role in these works. The writer refers to the technique of chaotic mixing of real and virtual worlds, rhizomatic construction of the text, deconstruction of the discourses underlying her creativity, thanks to which the entire figurative and symbolic world of the novels “Supernova” is perceived as a kind of cosmos of worlds, and each world is interpreted in its own way by a concrete reader. Thus, the novels “Supernova” as post-modernist works of art have many individual readings and textual interpretations.
Key words and phrases:
современная индонезийская литература
виртуальная реальность
Деви Лестари
сontemporary Indonesian literature
virtual reality studies
virtual reality
Dewi Lestari
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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