Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2018. Issue 11-1
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Elena Gennad'evna Nozhevnikova
Linguistics University of Nizhniy Novgorod

Elizaveta Igorevna Guseva
Linguistics University of Nizhniy Novgorod

Submitted: November 1, 2018
Abstract. The article summarizes the results of studying sarcasm (which is objectively considered one of the hardly identifiable shades of attitude) in communication between the representatives of different linguocultures. The authors compare the traditional conception of sarcasm as a type of the comical associated with critical, negative attitude to an addressee, provocation of conflict and the approach, which considers it as a means used by communicants to “save face”, to differentiate between “natives” and “outsiders” in the society. The paper justifies the appropriateness to replenish the list of the functions realized by sarcastic statements with the following ones: identification/differentiation, control/resistance.
Key words and phrases:
идентификация членов группы
иерархия в коммуникации
нормы поведения
identification of community members
hierarchy in communication
the comical
norms of behaviour
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