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Text as Semiotic Sign Representing Specificity of the Subject Area “Military Aviation”
Elina Petrovna Shpal'chenko
Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots named after A. K. Serov
June 26, 2020
The paper focuses on analysing the semiotic and pragmatic aspect of the text from the viewpoint of representation of the relatively new subject area “Military Aviation”. Scientific originality of the study involves a linguistic analysis of the scientific and publicistic text of the aviation subject area, which represents and models the sphere of human knowledge “Military Aviation”. The research findings are as follows: the author identifies peculiarities of a highly specialized text as a semiotic system, reveals specificity of sign representation of the cognitive and conceptual basis of the subject area under study, highlights development trends of military aviation terminology, considers specificity of its functioning in scientific and publicistic discourse.
Key words and phrases:
предметная область
военная авиация
знаковая система языка
subject area
military aviation
language sign system
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