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Word of the Year as Modern Linguistic Phenomenon: Comparative Analysis of Linguistic Singularity (by the Material of the Russian, Spanish and English Languages)
Marina Vladimirovna Larionova
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
June 26, 2020
The study aims to analyse the content of the notion “word of the year” as a linguistic phenomenon chosen annually by linguistic institutions and organisations of the world. The research is novel in that it identifies specifics of realia represented in a word of the year, peculiarities of nominating the linguistic phenomena laying claim to this category and influencing its choice in the comparative context (using examples from English, Spanish and Russian). By means of practical examples for the period of 2013-2018, the chosen linguistic phenomena reflecting evolution processes of cognitive-communicative activity in different countries of the world are analysed; a comparative analysis of linguistic singularity characterising words of the year is conducted. As a result of the study, the main cognitive models forming country-specific winning lexemes in the Russian, Spanish and English linguistic practices are classified.
Key words and phrases:
слово года
лексема года
ключевой концепт
социально-политические реалии
word of the year
lexeme of the year
key concept
socio- political realia
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