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Fiction Title Semantic and Grammatical Features
Oksana Yurievna Bogdanova
Yaroslavl Higher Military Institute of the Air Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Nikolaevich Babayan
Yaroslavl Higher Military Institute of the Air Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Olga Leonidovna Kramarenko
Yaroslavl Higher Military Institute of the Air Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
November 30, 2020
The study aims at considering the title as a dicteme of a special kind, representing the dictemic name of the text, with its special semantic and structural features. The article analyzes the XVII-XX centuries British fiction titles structural and semantic features and their role in the problem of linking the title with the text content. Such organic aspect of the title complex structural-semantic unity problem as the translation adequacy and equivalence problem is studied in the article as well. Scientific novelty of the research is the consideration of a large form fiction title based on the conceptual apparatus of the dictemic text structure theory. The attained results have shown that the title requires the macro context of the entire work for its complete implementation since the author’s intention in the title is disclosed retrospectively. In different centuries, the fiction authors used different means of expressing their attitudes and ideas in their masterpieces’ titles.
Key words and phrases:
художественное произведение
диктемное имя текста
семантико-грамматические особенности заглавия
dictemic name of the text
semantic and grammatical features of the title
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