Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2020. Volume 13. Issue 12
COLLECTION:    Germanic Languages

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Cognitive-Semantic Classification of the English Phraseological Units with Component - Colour Term

Larisa Gennadievna Pavlenko
Taganrog Institute named after A. P. Chekhov (Branch) of Rostov State University of Economics

Rita Yurievna Chernikova
Taganrog Institute named after A. P. Chekhov (Branch) of Rostov State University of Economics

Submitted: December 30, 2020
Abstract. The article examines the English phraseological units with a component - colour term. Relevance of the research is conditioned by the fact that visual perception and phraseological figurativeness play the key role in the process of linguistic worldview formation. The research objective is to develop a cognitive-semantic classification of the phraseological units under study and to identify the means of their concepts verbalization taking into account the etymological aspect. The authors propose a cognitive-semantic classification of colour phraseological units, identify their cognitive metaphorical models, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. The research findings are as follows: 320 metaphorical phraseological units are classified into 30 semantic categories, their cognitive models are identified and semantic motivation is revealed.
Key words and phrases:
английские фразеологические единицы
семантико-когнитивная классификация
English phraseological units
cognitive-semantic classification
colour term
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