Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2020. Volume 13. Issue 12
COLLECTION:    Foreign Literature

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Theme of Memory in Images of J. Theorin’s Detective Novel “The Voices Beyond”

Mariia Aleksandrovna Konovalova
Petrozavodsk State University

Submitted: December 30, 2020
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine how the theme of memory manifests itself in Gerlof Davidsson’s and Aron Fredh’s images in the detective novel “The Voices Beyond” by Johan Theorin. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the article considers the novel that has never been an object of study before. Gerlof is a central character of the author’s creative work on the whole. The character’s individual memory is combined with the people’s collective memory, whose carrier is also Gerlof. Historical memory is presented in the image of Aron Fredh, an emigrant to the USSR. The research findings have shown that by referring to these events in the detective story, the author draws attention of his fellow countrymen to the issue that has been hidden from the public eye for a long time.
Key words and phrases:
Юхан Теорин
«Призрак кургана»
детективный роман
тема памяти
Johan Theorin
“The Voices Beyond”
detective novel
theme of memory
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