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Artistic Features and Genre Motifs of M. Akhmedov’s Elegy
Shanisat Magomedovna Gadjilova
Institute of Language, Literature and the Arts n.a. G. Cadasy, RAS, Makhachkala
April 9, 2021
The purpose of the study is to shed light on artistic features and genre motifs of M. Akhmedov’s elegy in the context of the Avar artistic traditions. Special attention is paid to M. Akhmedov’s elegy as a genre incorporating elements of philosophical, landscape, civil, amorous poetry. The focus of the study is artistic originality of M. Akhmedov’s poems written in the genre of elegy. The research is novel in that it is the first to introduce M. Akhmedov’s elegies into scientific use, to consider their artistic originality and genre motifs in the context of the corresponding tradition of the Avar poetry. The research findings have shown that the elegiac genre in M. Akhmedov’s poetry develops in close connection with other lyric genres. Elements of civil, patriotic nature reveal the author’s philosophical worldview in the elegy, elements of landscape and amorous poetry heighten artistic features of elegies, their genre motifs.
Key words and phrases:
М. Ахмедов
элегическая лирика
жанровые мотивы
художественные особенности
аварская поэзия
M. Akhmedov
elegiac lyric
genre motifs
artistic features
Avar poetry
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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