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Principles of Compiling the Tatar-English Online Dictionary of the Glosbe Project at Macroand Microstructure Levels
Gulshat Rafailevna Safiullina
Kazan Federal University
April 30, 2021
The study aims to determine features of compiling an electronic Tatar-English dictionary. The article examines peculiarities of presenting lexical material in online dictionaries. The study is conducted on the material of the Tatar-English online dictionary posted on the website Scientific novelty of the work lies in identifying multimodal aspects of how a dictionary entry is arranged in the English-Tatar Glosbe dictionary. As a result, it was found that the Glosbe dictionary project is unique in the way it presents grammatical constructions and illustrative examples due to proper organisation of its macro- and microstructure and active interaction with the user base, members of which regularly contribute to the repository of illustrative examples.
Key words and phrases:
татарский язык
иллюстративный пример
Tatar language
online dictionary
illustrative example
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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