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Motives of Complaints, Trials and Patience in the Cycle “Хәбес” (“Prison”) by A. Tubyli
Alsou Ahmadullovna Khasavnekh
Centre of Rear Book and Musical Heritage of Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Academy of Sciences of the Tatarstan Republic, Kazan
September 15, 2021
The paper aims to reveal the Tatar poet A. Tubyli’s ethical and aesthetic views by identifying the main motives of his creative work. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in the domestic literary criticism, the researcher provides a comprehensive literary and historical analysis of A. Tubyli’s cycle “Хәбес” (“Prison”). To analyse the poems from the “Хәбес” (“Prison”) cycle, to reveal specificity of the “зар” (“complaints about destiny”) genre in the little known Tatar poet’s creative work - these research tasks are highly relevant. The findings allow concluding that A. Tubyli’s poetical works, such as the “Хәбес” (“Prison”) cycle, are in tune with the Tatar literary tradition.
Key words and phrases:
Ахметзян Тубыли
суфийская литература
цикл стихов
жанр «зар»
мотивы испытания
Akhmetzyan Tubyli
Sufi literature
poetical cycle
зар genre
motives of trial
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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