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Vocative Forms in the Modern Russian Language (by the Material of the Russian National Corpus)
Olga Vladimirovna Soboleva
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
February 28, 2022
The research aims to identify advantages and disadvantages of using the Russian National Corpus to solve issues related to the study of vocative forms in the modern Russian language. Novelty of the research lies in attempting to assess the correctness of the results obtained while making search queries on the main corpus as a part of the Russian National Corpus; identifying strengths and weaknesses of the automated search of vocative forms; specifying inaccuracies to which a researcher needs to pay attention if he or she uses materials from the National Corpus to study vocatives. As a result, it has been proved that the Russian National Corpus provides rich and diverse material for a comprehensive study of vocative forms, however, interpretation of textual examples and quantitative data obtained during an automated corpus search at the present stage requires a critical approach and careful attention to each of the examples found.
Key words and phrases:
современный русский язык
звательная форма
Национальный корпус русского языка
корпусная лингвистика
modern Russian language
vocative form
Russian National Corpus
corpus linguistics
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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