Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2022. Volume 15. Issue 2
COLLECTION:    Germanic Languages

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Implicit Representation of the MOVEMENT Concept by Sound Verbs with the NOISE Seme (by the Material of the German Language)

Olga Valeryevna Petryanina
Samara State Economic University

Elena Vladimirovna Revina
Samara State Technical University

Submitted: February 28, 2022
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to describe sound verbs with the distinctive feature “noise”, implicitly expressing the MOVEMENT concept. The paper examines in detail the specifics of reflection of conceptual movement, manifested in the corresponding linguistic means at the lexico-semantic and syntactic levels. The study is novel in that it is the first to identify the factors influencing metaphorisation, which determines the integration of a peripheral, context-conditioned semantic meaning into the structure of the basic meaning of sound verbs. As a result of the study, the researchers have identified models representing the metaphor of movement in verbs with the semantics of sound.
Key words and phrases:
глагол звучания
sound verb
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