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Role of Stylistic Expressive Means in Creating the Protagonist’s Image in R. L. Stevenson’s Novel “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”
Elena Sergeevna Korshunova
Northern Trans-Ural Agricultural University, Tyumen
February 28, 2022
The paper aims to identify lexical, phonetic and syntactic stylistic devices as the most effective ones in the creation of the protagonist’s image in R. L. Stevenson’s novel “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”. The research is original in that it attempts to develop the protagonist’s image in fiction based on three types of expressive means, i.e. phonetic, lexical and syntactic ones. The research findings have shown that lexical, phonetic and syntactic stylistic devices contribute to the creation of a well-developed protagonist’s image. The lexical stylistic devices are mostly represented in the novel by epithets, metaphors, similes, allusions. Alliteration and assonance were the most common phonetic figurative means. Rhetorical questions, rhetorical exclamations, anaphoras, antitheses were found among the syntactic stylistic devices. All kinds of figurative means complemented each other, participating in the development of a complex image of the protagonist in the novel.
Key words and phrases:
средства выразительности речи
образ главного героя
экспрессивность речи
стилистический прием
изобразительные средства языка
expressive means
image of the protagonist
speech expressiveness
stylistic device
figures of speech
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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