Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2022. Volume 15. Issue 3
COLLECTION:    Foreign Literature

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Plot-Forming Themes in Anthony Trollope’s Novel “The Eustace Diamonds”

Nellie Zefarovna Shamsutdinova
Kazan Federal University

Submitted: March 31, 2022
Abstract. The research aims to identify the main plot-forming themes in A. Trollope’s novel “The Eustace Diamonds”. Scientific originality of the paper lies in the fact that the author’s creative work has been little studied, in identifying the distinctive features of the English political novel of the late Victorian period. The research findings have shown that the theme of deception or lies is the main plot-forming theme along with the themes of irony towards inherited property, gender equality, politics permeating all areas of English society and England’s failures in matters of Anglo-Irish politics.
Key words and phrases:
поздневикторианский английский роман
Энтони Троллоп
английский политический роман
роман о парламентской жизни
паллизьеровский цикл
late Victorian English novel
Anthony Trollope
English political novel
parliamentary novel
Palliser cycle
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