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Non-Trivial Types of Semantic Derivation in Colloquial and Youth Vocabulary of the Modern German Language
Irina Borissovna Bojkova
Moscow Pedagogical State University
July 29, 2022
The aim of this article is to determine the semantic-cognitive status of new colloquial meanings that have not received attention of traditional typology. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying several non-trivial types of semantic derivation - independent and dependent, determining their relationship with other types of semantic derivation, as well as in describing a cognitive mechanism for creating new nominations. As a result, the relative independence of the linguistic processes of derivation and linguistic thinking of the German youth is shown.
Key words and phrases:
нетривиальные типы семантической деривации
самостоятельные и несамостоятельные типы семантической деривации
коллоквиальная лексика современного немецкого языка
когнитивный аспект семантической деривации
non-trivial types of semantic derivation
independent and dependent types of semantic derivation
colloquial vocabulary of the modern German language
cognitive aspect of semantic derivation
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