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Linguopragmatic Features of the Modern Literary Narrative by the Material of the Short Story “Scène” by A. Robbe-Grillet
Anastasiia Victorovna Glazkova
Astrakhan State University named after V. N. Tatishchev
Daria Stanislavovna Chabykina
Astrakhan State University named after V. N. Tatishchev
August 31, 2022
The study aims to identify the changes that have occurred in the literary narrative driven by the postmodern era. The paper explores the notion of “the narrative”, the classical approach to its definition, determines the specificity of the literary narrative, provides a scheme of its construction. The study is novel in that it identifies the pragmatic potential of the impact that the new type of the literary narrative with a number of specific features has on the reader in connection with a new concept of perception and construction of the text developed under the influence of postmodern and cinema theorists. As a result of the study conducted using the work “Scène” by the classic and “new type of writing” creator Alain Robbe-Grillet as an example, such pragmatic features of the modern literary narrative as the cinematic nature, openness of the text, the author’s cooperation with the reader are demonstrated at the linguistic level.
Key words and phrases:
кинематографичность текста
открытость текста
сотрудничество с читателем
cinematic nature of the text
openness of the text
cooperation with the reader
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