Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2023. Volume 16. Issue 2
COLLECTION:    Theory of Language

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Results and Prospects of Internet-Based Linguistic Analysis (by the Material of the French Language)

Natalia Yurievna Borodulina
Tambov State Technical University

Submitted: February 28, 2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to systematize the manifestations of the new textuality typical of digital technologies and its influence on linguistic forms. Digital discourses are considered as productive areas for philological research. The scientific novelty of the conducted research lies in summarizing the accumulated knowledge on the relationship between the sciences of language and electronic communication, with an emphasis on discursive, interactive and social aspects of the French-language research area. As a result, the range of problems addressed by French-language philological works carried out on the basis of the Internet is outlined; it is shown that information and communication sciences provide philology with a rich contribution to the analysis of linguistic and discursive practices that exist on the Internet, in particular in the field of introducing new terminology into scientific circulation. A number of questions are raised that digital works pose to linguistics in its socio-linguistic aspects, in particular regarding new text formats and linguistic expressions on French-language Internet platforms. Examples of jargonisms, neologisms, phonetic and lexical transformations typical of the French language of the Internet are given.
Key words and phrases:
Internet Linguistics
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