Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2023. Volume 16. Issue 9
COLLECTION:    Theory of Literature

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Generation of meaning in synergistic literary discourse (by the example of V. Pelevin’s short story “The Water Tower”)

Yuliya Alekseevna Akopova
Rostov State University of Economics

Submitted: September 6, 2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to prove that the violation of the “order parameters” of text formation at various linguistic levels is the main meaning-generating factor in postmodern literary discourse. The scientific novelty of the research consists in rethinking the strategy of modern prose interpretation, in using transdisciplinary methods to analyse postmodern literary texts along with philological ones, which is due to the specificity of such texts. The meaning of postmodernists’ linguistic experimentation becomes clear if interpreted in a linguosynergetic paradigm. As exemplified by the analysis of V. Pelevin’s short story “The Water Tower”, the idea that literary postmodern discourse is a zone of deconstruction of a rigid language system, in particular, the lexical and grammatical organisation of the text, is developed in the context of linguosynergetics. The presence of synergetic markers in the text (nonlinearity, interdiscursivity and intertextuality) makes the text a bifurcation zone. As a result, it has been proved that a change in the “order parameters” of the text at all levels is the main marker of the synergetic nature of literary discourse, which contributes to the unfolding of its self-organisation and promotes synergetic meaning generation.
Key words and phrases:
В. Пелевин
постмодернистский дискурс
креативный аттрактор
V. Pelevin
postmodern discourse
creative attractor
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