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Theonymic vocabulary of the Ossetian language
Fedar Magometovich Takazov
North Ossetian Institute of Humanitarian and Social Research named after V. I. Abaev – branch of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
December 27, 2023
The study aims to identify the semantics of theonyms, both in mythological texts and in everyday speech of the Ossetian language. The study is novel in that it is the first to analyse the use of the terms reflecting the names of sacred characters of the celestial sphere in speech structure. As a result of the study, three layers of the formation of mythological vocabulary in the Ossetian language under the influence of the ancient Iranian, Christian and Caucasian religious and mythological systems were identified. Certain aspects of mythology have already become the object of research, but theonyms as a part of the mythological vocabulary of the Ossetian language are being considered as a precedent phenomenon for the first time. The paper analyzes theonymic vocabulary to showcase the use of the terms reflecting the names of sacred characters of the upper world in speech structure and identifies the semantics of theonyms, both in mythological beliefs and in everyday speech of the Ossetian language. The study found that theonymic terms and their semantics often possess deep symbolic and metaphorical meanings that are difficult to convey in other languages or cultures.
Key words and phrases:
осетинский язык
теонимическая лексика
мифология осетин
сакральные персонажи
Ossetian language
theonymic vocabulary
mythology of Ossetians
sacred characters
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