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Structural and pragmatic features of the film poster (based on the material of the French film discourse)
Vladislav Evgen’evich Anisimov
MGIMO University, Moscow
January 26, 2024
The aim of the study is to analyze the structural, functional and semiotic components of the film poster, which influence the potential viewer and contribute to the successful adoption of the film in the French-speaking socio-cultural space. The article analyzes the film poster as a functional and pragmatic element of the film text directly affecting the recipient (a representative of the film target audience) and their choice of a specific film production for viewing. The semiotic and structural components of the poster, as well as its main tasks, functions and characteristics are highlighted and considered. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time, the key characteristics of the film poster and its pragmatic potential have been identified and analyzed using the material of the French cinema discourse. As a result of the study, it was found that the interaction between the graphic and iconic components of the semiotic space of the film poster has a complex effect on a potential viewer (a representative of the film target audience) and helps to attract as many viewers as possible to watching the film. At the same time, the film poster is an independent functional and pragmatic element of the film text functioning at the preview stage and participating in the advertising of the film, as well as having its own characteristics, performing certain functions and implementing certain tasks.
Key words and phrases:
французский кинодискурс
функционально-прагматические единицы кинотекста
film discourse
French film discourse
film text
film poster
functional and pragmatic elements of the film text
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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