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Teaching future English language teachers the methods of translating wordplay-based jokes in the theory and practice of translation course
Elena Pavlovna Belkina
Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University
January 29, 2024
The aim of the study is to describe the methods of translating short humorous texts from English into Russian in order to teach them to senior students in language pedagogical training programs in the course “Theory and Practice of Translation” with an emphasis on the potential application of the acquired translation competence in future pedagogical activities. The paper presents three stages of translating a short humorous text, focusing on the second stage, during which students acquire the ability to apply the translation methods for jokes they have learned through the completion of three types of tasks within the proposed methodological framework. All methods of translating short humorous texts are illustrated with examples and commentary. The scientific novelty lies in developing a methodological toolkit (the technique of prompting questions, the technique of problem-based questions, the technique of educational analogy) for teaching future foreign language teachers how to translate wordplay-based jokes. The study describes three stages of recreating the humorous effect in translation based on the analysis of the linguistic and extralinguistic characteristics of humor in the source language and by considering the perception of the translated product by the speakers of the target language to develop translation skills among students in language pedagogical training programs. Practical recommendations are provided for future foreign language teachers on applying the acquired skills and abilities in the theory and practice of translation course within the context of their future pedagogical activities in secondary school.
Key words and phrases:
обучение переводу
английский язык
языковой вуз
шутка, построенная на игре слов
translation teaching
English language
language university
wordplay-based joke
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