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Structural-semantic links of skaldic kennings compared with phraseological units using the lexico-semantic group “Fire”
Alexander Glebovich Levitan
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Polina Vasilyevna Nechaeva
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Daria Nikolaevna Soldatova
Military University named after Prince Alexander Nevsky, Moscow; Moscow State Institute of International Relations
March 7, 2024
The research aims to identify the essential features of horizontal links between elements of the system of skaldic kennings. The paper discusses the structure and lexical-semantic content of skaldic kennings and the peculiarities of their usage, comparing them with existing tropes such as metaphor, metonymy, and phraseological units. Additionally, focusing on the lexico-semantic group “Fire”, the authors examine the origin and principles of building horizontal links in the system of kennings. The scientific novelty lies in introducing a new approach to describing kennings within the theory of phraseology, offering a fresh perspective on horizontal links in the system of kennings. This has led to the following findings: 1) kennings can be considered within the phraseological paradigm using theoretical models of phraseology; 2) there are complex horizontal links in the system of kennings, primarily consisting of skaldic heiti, combining both two-word kennings and kennings with multiple elements.
Key words and phrases:
скальдическая поэзия
древнеисландский язык
норвежский язык
skaldic poetry
phraseological units
Old Norse language
Norwegian language
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