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A set of commands for performing exercises and tasks within the framework of teaching English grammar to technical university students using ChatGPT
Elena Alekseevna Cherkasova
National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow
May 28, 2024
The study aims to develop a set of commands for performing exercises and tasks within the framework of teaching English grammar to technical university students using ChatGPT in order to stimulate their independent learning activities and improve learning outcomes by creating a motivating educational environment. Based on the fact that when teaching English grammar, it is necessary to take into account certain factors, i.e., the sequence of exercises and tasks focused on the gradual mastery of grammatical competence, as well as the balanced development of both receptive and productive skills, and the functional capabilities of ChatGPT, the paper elaborates a set of commands for performing exercises and tasks using the chatbot. The set includes methodological support, gap filling exercises, open the brackets exercises, conditionally communicative and authentic communicative exercises and tasks designed for technical university students’ individually differentiated activities and aimed at the comprehensive development of their grammatical skills. This constitutes the scientific novelty of the study. As a result, the proposed set is a flexible system aimed at the gradual development of grammatical skills, it allows learners to study English grammar without time constraints, provides maximum variability of exercises and tasks, and helps students immerse themselves in the language environment. Nevertheless, despite its functional advantages, ChatGPT has certain limitations, i.e., an exclusively text-based format of interaction and the possibility of inaccuracies in the generated responses, which indicates that at this stage of its development, the technology can only act as an auxiliary tool in teaching English grammar.
Key words and phrases:
чат-бот ChatGPT
обучение грамматике английского языка
искусственный интеллект
комплекс упражнений и заданий по обучению грамматике английского языка
ChatGPT chatbot
teaching English grammar
artificial intelligence
a set of exercises and tasks for teaching English grammar
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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