Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 5
COLLECTION:    Germanic Languages

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The strategy of negative politeness in the judicial discourse of the USA and Canada (based on the proceedings of the Supreme Court of the USA and the Supreme Court of Canada)

Elena Aleksandrovna Dmitrieva
RUDN University; Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Moscow

Submitted: May 29, 2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the linguistic specifics of the implementation of a negative politeness strategy in the judicial discourse of the United States and Canada. The research is carried out in line with pragmatic and sociolinguistic approaches to the analysis of discourse. The article examines the linguistic means of English at different levels, which constitute the characteristic features of negative politeness in Western culture as a means of mitigating threats to the addressee’s face. The author analyzes the polite formulas for expressing requests, apologies and gratitude in terms of qualitative and quantitative differences in the form of treatment. The scientific novelty is due to the application of a discursive approach to the study of linguistic features of the implementation of the politeness strategy in American and Canadian judicial discourse, which allowed us to obtain new data on the material of direct speech interaction. As a result of the study, it was found that the implementation of negative politeness in the American and Canadian versions of judicial discourse is characterized by the use of different status forms of addressing judges and lawyers, a higher degree of frequency of using requests without mitigating the threat to a person in the speech of judges of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Key words and phrases:
прагматика дискурса
социолингвистическая природа дискурса
судебный дискурс
Верховный суд США
Верховный суд Канады
стратегия негативной вежливости
pragmatics of discourse
sociolinguistic nature of discourse
judicial discourse
Supreme Court of the USA
Supreme Court of Canada
strategy of negative politeness
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