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Elements of the metamodern category "depth" in H. Mantel's novel "Bring Up the Bodies"
Mayya Gennadivena Merculova
Moscow City University
Irina Vladimirovna Lavrenteva
Moscow City University
June 19, 2024
The purpose of this study is to identify the features of the implementation of the elements of the "depth" category of metamodern in the modern historical novel by British writer H. Mantel "Bring Up the Bodies". The paper presents aspects of the theory of architectonics of metamodern poetics, which make it possible to justify the use of the concept of "depth" as its separate category. The authors have formulated a list of the main elements of the category. The results of the analysis of their author's interpretation in the modern British historical novel are presented. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the authors for the first time considered the concept of "depth" of the metamodern in relation to the field of literary criticism, and also for the first time analyzed the historical novel in the context of the theory of metamodernism. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that the category of "depth" of the meta-modern is used by H. Mantel in the form of a number of techniques that help the author create a sense of the reader's presence in the mind of the protagonist in order to achieve a deep immersion of the audience into the atmosphere of the reconstructed era of 16th-century England.
Key words and phrases:
исторический роман
Х. Мантел
теория метамодернизма
категория «глубина»
поэтика метамодернизма
historical novel
H. Mantel
theory of metamodernism
category "depth"
poetics of metamodernism
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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