Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 10
COLLECTION:    Germanic Languages

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Author’s techniques of emphasizing temporal characteristics in R. Bradbury’s novel “Frost and Fire”: A cognitive approach

Elena Anatolyevna Demina
Altai State Medical University, Barnaul

Submitted: October 8, 2024
Abstract. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the fact that in the novel “Frost and Fire” by R. Bradbury the author uses techniques that can emphasize temporal characteristics, stylistic convergence being one of them. 18 fragments have been classified into three groups based on cognitive time models they render: “time = plant life”, “time = animal life”, “time = human”. Linguistic means depicting different temporal features have been closely analyzed. The novelty of the study is determined, on the one hand, by detecting two author’s techniques that can emphasize time properties: embedding (use of a lexical unit with temporal semantics as a component of other stylistic device) and fusion (combination of two different stylistic tools in one unit). On the other hand, these tools have been proved to single out the character’s voice. The results of the research indicate that predominant temporal properties in the novel are high speed and cyclicity. It was shown that ellipses, capital letters, exclamatory and interrogative sentences, repetition of the number “8” mark the individuality of the character’s perception of time in his indirect speech. It was possible to establish that the personification of plant life and time itself, the abundance of temporal metaphors emphasizing its rapid flow determine the unique features of Bradbury’s manner of writing.
Key words and phrases:
вербализация времени
когнитивные модели времени
временные характеристики
конвергенция стилистических средств
метафоры времени
verbalization of time
cognitive models of time
temporal characteristics
convergence of stylistic means
time metaphors
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