Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 10
COLLECTION:    Russian Literature

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Art-escape in the novella “The Predawn Flight of the Dragonfly” by S. Suslova: The use of a personal and creative strategy

Mariia Sergeevna Savina
Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University named after First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Submitted: October 16, 2024
Abstract. The study aims to identify the individual-authorial specifics of implementing the stylistic device of escapism in an autobiographical novella by the classic of Kyrgyz Russian literature S. Suslova. The article examines the compositional and content-related elements of the text that represent the autobiographical plot of the novella. The researcher analyzes the expressive means and techniques used to create the autobiographical image of the main character: auto-psychologism, the dialectic of the soul, the image of historical time and space, and the realistic and authentic chronotope. The study examines the parallels of convergence and mutual complementarity of the heroine’s image in the prose plot and the persona in the poetic inserts. The names of precedent historical figures who served as prototypes for the gallery of character images are identified. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that, through analytical study, the function of the stylistic device of escapism in the narrative structure of the novella was examined. The means of creating an escapist narrative of the novella’s fantasy world are classified, such as the use of quasi-terminology, archaic vocabulary, and the elements of folklore motifs and genres. The research has found that the device of escapism provided an opportunity to go beyond the framework of the memoir-biographical novel, expanded the set of expressive means and techniques for creating the image of the author’s spiritual world, and became a way of self-reflection for her, a strategy for psychological acceptance and conceptualization of her personal biography and self-mythologization.
Key words and phrases:
мемуарно-биографическая проза
повесть С. Сусловой
русскоязычная литература Кыргызстана
прием художественного эскапизма
аутомифологизация личности
memoir-biographical prose
novella by S. Suslova
Russian-language literature of Kyrgyzstan
artistic escapism
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