National History
- A. G. Baranov
- E. P. Garmashova
- V. V. Dmitrieva
- A. A. Mitus
- A. I. Makarova
- E. A. Leontieva
- A. E. Smirnitskiy
- A. Volkova
Historiography, Source Study and Historical Research Methods
- R. M. Aynbinder
- K. V. Pavlov
History of International Relations and Foreign Policy
- A. V. Beloglazov
- R. N. Nadyrov
- G. A. Khimich
- K. P. Kurylev
- K. N. Filimonova
Ontology and Epistemology
- Y. D. Gushchin
- R. V. Maslov
- V. A. Friauf
History of Philosophy
- E. S. Buzhor
- V. I. Buzhor
- A. V. Naumov
- E. R. Fakhrudinova
- V. V. Suvorov
Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies
- D. A. Arefev
- E. Y. Perova
Visual, Decorative and Applied Arts and Architecture
Theory and History of Art