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Archive of Scientific Articles
Pedagogy. Theory & Practice
. 2023. Volume 8. Issue 12
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General Pedagogy
Event design method: New meanings, typology, pedagogical potential
O. V. Korshunova
A. V. Popova
Educational psychology
Features of professional self-actualization of university students – future secondary school teachers taking into account the level of development of the non-verbal component of their social intelligence
A. V. Dmitrieva
Vocational Education
Linguomethodological foundations for professional communicative competence formation among translators at the final stage of training at a military university (additional professional development program)
O. A. Kalashnikova
T. V. Ryabova
Digital Education
Introduction of digital tools in the process of foreign-language linguistic competence development among technical university students (by the example of English language teaching)
O. O. Zakharova
Assessing the effectiveness of educational work in a general education organization: Classification of information to be used in the document-oriented system ‘MongoDB’
V. V. Bazhenova
N. V. Leont’eva
A. A. Miroshnichenko
O. S. Voronchikhina
Foreign Language Teaching
Psychological and pedagogical foundations of teaching Japanese at the initial stage at a language university using a text corpus
I. R. Nurgaliev
Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
Teaching foreign students how to retell based on film texts (in the Russian as a foreign language aspect)
T. Y. Romanova
E. A. Rubtsova
History of Pedagogy and Education
Activities of the Chita State Pedagogical Institute during the late 1940s and the early 1950s in the context of the Soviet higher education policy
O. A. Yaremchuk
M. V. Pryazhennikova
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