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SOURCE:    Almanac of Modern Science and Education. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 1. P. 80-83.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Technical Sciences
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Petrov Vladimir Konstantinovich
North-Caucasian Mining and Smelting Institute (State Technological University)

Abstract. Methods used in food industry for cracking nutshell in mass production are discussed in this article. All of these methods have a common goal – to get an undamaged core after shell destruction. The devices, which use thermal, mechanical, chemical and biological methods for cracking nutshell, are presented.
Key words and phrases: пищевая промышленность, разрушение скорлупы орехов, цельное ядро, перепад давлений, сжиженный газ, ударные деформации, food industry, cracking nutshell, undamaged core, pressure difference, condensed gas, percussive deformations
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