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SOURCE:    Almanac of Modern Science and Education. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 1. P. 94-96.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Physical-Mathematical Sciences
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Romanov Vadim Nikolaevich
National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines)

Abstract. This paper investigates the possibility of fuzzy matrixes application to analyze and evaluate system properties, in particular, systems sustainability and adaptivity. The advantages of the proposed approach allowing taking into account the direction and strength of the interaction between system components and predicting its properties change are shown.
Key words and phrases: нечеткие матрицы взаимодействия, стабильность, устойчивость систем по возмущению, устойчивость систем по состоянию, адаптивность систем, вертикальная целостность и горизонтальная обособленность, fuzzy matrixes of interaction, stability, systems sustainabi
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  6. Romanov V. N., Smirnova E. A. Primenenie topologicheskikh metodov k analizu sistemy obrazovaniya // Al'manakh sovremennoi nauki i obrazovaniya. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 6 (73). S. 141-145.

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