The article reveals the essence of communicative tasks methodology applied to teaching to read in English. Main attention is paid to the consideration of communicative tasks certain types that can be used at the English lessons at school. An exemplary lesson plan with the detailed explanation of the purpose of each stage of work on the text, as well as the teacher’s and students’ tasks, is represented.
Key words and phrases:
формирование навыков, умения в чтении, метод коммуникативных заданий, текст, учитель, учащийся, подготовительный этап, этап выполнения задания, этап работы над языковым материалом, skills formation, reading abilities, communicative tasks method, text, teacher, student, preparatory stage, task execution stage, stage of work on language material
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- Willis J. A Framework for Task-Based Learning // Willis J., Willis D. Challenge and Change in Language Teaching. Oxford: Heinemann, 1996. P. 52-62.
- Willis J. A Framework for Task-Based Learning. Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1996. 160 p.