The article deals with the conceptualization of the notion "suffering" in V. S. Solovyov’s philosophical works, whose ideas laid the foundation for a spiritual movement known in the history of philosophy as the "Russian Religious Renaissance". The basis of Solovyov’s theories consisted of the metaphysics of unity and sophiology, which displaced the traditional coordinates of spiritual imagery. Many notions and terms of philosophical and religious culture that had their semantic meanings and usages fixed in the language began to change in new Solovyov’s philosophical-religious system of thought. The philosophical discourse of the Russian thinker is revealed in the given texts by the example of the motion of the notion "suffering". The study of this notion is carried out within the unity of V. S. Solovyov’s philosophical idea and by the material of his works.
Key words and phrases:
интеллектуальный ход, гипотетическая реконструкция, логический нигилизм, мистический контраст, философская концепция, эстетическая форма, формула истины, intellectual progress, hypothetical reconstruction, logical nihilism, mystical contrast, philosophical conception, aesthetic form, formula of truth