Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

SOURCE:    Almanac of Modern Science and Education. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. Issue 7. P. 24-26
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Economic Sciences
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Borovskikh Nina Vladimirovna
Omsk State Technical University

Abstract. The article examines the problems of the cyclicity of developing the regional real estate market. The author analyzes the types of the cycles and describes the content of each of them, identifies the developmental tendencies of real estate market at the federal and regional levels. In relation to the regional real estate market the paper evaluates the cycle indicators, proposes specific measures to reduce the recession cycle at the mentioned market segment.
Key words and phrases: рынок недвижимости, цикличность развития, тенденции развития рынка, спрос на недвижимость, предложение недвижимости, real estate market, development cyclicity, developmental tendencies of market, demand on real estate, offer on real estate
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