The article is devoted to the history of Russian philosophical conservatism of the second half of the XIX century by the example of K. N. Leontiev, N. N. Strakhov and P. E. Astafiev in the context of their personal mutual relations. The author considers both the reviews of the representatives of this stream about each other in philosophical and publicistic texts and in their epistolary heritage and evaluations of contemporaries and researchers; substantiates the ideological unity of the stream, which was realized by its representatives in spite of radical dissimilarity of characters and personal traits that led both to the lack of understanding and to open hostility.
Key words and phrases:
история русской философии, К. Н. Леонтьев, Н. Н. Страхов, П. Е. Астафьев, Н. Я. Данилевский, консерватизм, органицизм, личность, history of Russian philosophy, K. N. Leontiev, N. N. Strakhov, P. E. Astafiev, N. Ya. Danilevsky, conservatism, organicism, personality
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