Akhmetova Milyausha Ansarovna
Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Ibragimov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan
Abstract. The article considers a socio-moral phenomenon of famine years - selling of daughters and relatives for a piece of bread for the sake of survival. The main content of the research is an analysis of works on "famine" subject matter "Ачлык ел, яки Сатлык кыз" ("The Year of Famine, or a Sold Girl"), "Ярлылар, яки ?йд?ш хатын" ("The Poor") by Madzhit Gafuri, the play "Ачлык кушты" ("Hunger Has Forced") by Yarulla Vali and the narrative "Ад?мн?р" ("People") by Galimdzhan Ibragimov, where the theme of broken fates of women in the famine years of the first half of the XX century received striking development.
Key words and phrases: голод, татарская литература, трагические женские судьбы, продажа девушек, Г. Ибрагимов, М. Гафури, Я. Вали
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