Butenko Nadezhda Alekseevna
Surgut State University
Abstract. The article discusses the content of the concept "national idea". The author analyzes essential and meaningful characteristics of the concept referring to the Russian national idea as a basis of national and civilization identity. National idea contains both religious and socio-political components, but it certainly expresses a particular purpose of the people, their mission. Two basic spiritual principles in inter-ethnic relations - unity and tolerance inherent in the Russian national idea - form the basis of integrity of the Russian civilization.
Key words and phrases: цивилизация, цивилизационная идентичность, национальная идея, национальная идентичность, миссия, глобализация, civilization, civilization identity, national idea, national identity, mission, globalization
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Butenko N. A. K probleme kriteriev razgranicheniya etnicheskoi, natsional'noi i tsivilizatsionnoi identichnosti // Sotsiosfera. 2014. № 1. S. 31-35.
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