Avanesyan Inna Borisovna
North Caucasian Federal University
Abstract. The author raises the problem of the connection between the Russian literature and Orthodox Church, reveals the main scientific, methodological approaches, and analyzes the works of well-known scientists, devoted to this problematic. The novelty of this article is in the consideration of spiritual realism as syncretic artistic method. This method is considered more as aesthetic in scientific researches, but the author describes this phenomenon as literary, incorporating the features of traditional artistic directions. The novelty of the article is also in the analysis of spiritual realism in the context of contemporary literary criticism and the revelation of patterns that exist in literature process during the last years.
Key words and phrases: православие, духовный реализм, символический реализм, церковность, религиозное литературоведение, светская литература, классический реализм, Orthodoxy, spiritual realism, symbolic realism, ecclesiasticism, religious literary criticism, secular literature,
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